Telegram has rolled out a new update bringing several new features and improvements to the popular messaging service. One of the major changes that is being rolled out is its new sign-up process that does not require a phone number. Until now, users were required to enter their mobile number to create a Telegram account. The app has also introduced automatic message deletion for new chats, as well as an updated Topics 2.0 feature for groups, and aggressive anti-spam.
The messaging service stated in a blog post that new users can now sign up for a Telegram account using blockchain-powered anonymous numbers available on the Fragment platform. Earlier, the app allowed users to control who could see their number and who can find them by their phone number, but the process still required a SIM card.
Telegram has also added an auto-delete chat feature that will let users set a timer to automatically delete messages in all new chats. According to the post, the existing chats will not be affected by the new features, however, users can set this auto-delete feature by tapping the new menu in Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete Messages.
In addition to these, the app has made Topics available for groups with more than 100 members. Groups with topics will open in a sleek two-column mode allowing users to switch to the latest topic directly from their chat list.
Meanwhile, the latest update also introduces a new tool for group admins to enable a new “aggressive” mode for automated spam filters. Another important privacy feature is temporary QR codes enabling users to allow people to add them as a contact without knowing their phone number.
Telegram has also rolled out a new emoji search feature for iOS users. The messaging service says that it has added 10 more custom emoji packs for Premium users along with additional interactive emoji for all users on the platform.
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