
WhatsApp for Android appears to be getting a payment shortcut on the chat bar. The new feature is initially available for beta testers in India. Separately, WhatsApp has launched a beta programme for users on WhatsApp for Desktop to test unannounced features designed for Windows and macOS. WhatsApp for iPhone is also seen to be developing a redesigned contact info screen that is initially available for beta users and limited to business accounts. Additionally, WhatsApp is found to be working on expanding multi-device support to iPad and Android tablet users.

As reported by WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp for Android beta version 2.21.17 has introduced a new payment shortcut that is available on the chat bar to let users quickly send payments. This is available in addition to the existing Payment option that is located in the chat action sheet.

The payment shortcut on the chat bar appears to be provided in the middle of the Camera and Attachments button. It is also notably limited to Indian users at this moment and is said to be rolling out to beta testers. This means that the button isn’t available to users in Brazil, though the payments service has been available to Brazilian users for some time. The button is also not yet available to all users in India.

WhatsApp for Android users on its recent beta version is said to have received the new payment shortcut
Photo Credit: WABetaInfo

WABetaInfo reports that WhatsApp is developing a similar payment shortcut for users on iPhone, and some users are reportedly able to see the shortcut next to Camera and Mic buttons.

In addition to the new payment shortcut, WhatsApp has launched a beta programme specifically to users on WhatsApp for Desktop. WABetaInfo reports that under the new programme, the Facebook-owned company has released WhatsApp beta versions for both Windows and macOS devices to let users test upcoming features. Each beta version, however, needs to be installed manually from the WhatsApp site.

Alongside testing upcoming features, WhatsApp users on the beta version can give feedback to the company if they face any issues on a developing feature. It can be done by going to WhatsApp Desktop Settings > Contact Us.

WABetaInfo has also found the redesigned contact info on WhatsApp for iPhone. This redesigning is expected to be a part of WhatsApp for iPhone beta specifically for business accounts. It moves the existing Message, Audio, and Forward buttons from the top bar to just below the name and phone number of the contact — similar to how you see the message and call options on the regular Contacts list on the iPhone.

WhatsApp is found to be testing a new contact info screen for iPhone users
Photo Credit: WABetaInfo

Separately, WhatsApp is seen to have updated multi-device support for iPad users, as tweeted by WABetaInfo. A dedicated WhatsApp for iPad app will be available to enable the new experience. Android tablet users are also expected to receive multi-device support.

Official details about the expanded multi-device support are yet to be announced. Nevertheless, WABetaInfo reports that it is currently under development and will be released in a future update.

WhatsApp started rolling out multi-device support in July. In its current phase, the experience is, however, limited to beta testing and is meant for users on the Web, macOS, Windows, and Portal devices.

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